The film office of the city of Poznań

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H. Cegielski Plants

H. Cegielski Plants

ul. 28 Czerwca 1956 r. 223/229
61-485 Poznań

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Buildings, Hall, Industry

The last part of the Hipolit Cegielski’s Plants in Poznań. An industrial development dating back to the first half of XX century together with office buildings of the end of XX century. Many buildings have been developed and rebuilt. Not many buildings have been preserved in an unchanged shape. Interiors of buildings with a rich production and technical infrastructure as well as machines manufactured by the plant – among others, a ship engine dating back to the first decade of XXI century. There is a railway siding within the area of the Factory. The plant borders with the 28 czerwca 1956 street passing through the center of the working class district of Poznań.